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1. the fake LOVE...
I have a confession to make
ever since i met u its been hard for me to 4get u
every night i see u in my dreams
and find myself shouting
A: U can do nothin. If devil has committed a mistake let him face the consequences.
3. the beautiful stars!
I look at the stars, the stars are beautiful. I look at you..I....I...I'd rather look at the stars again!
4. the DOG
I saw U on the road that day
U Were Looking so fine
Ur Face So Divine
Ur Walk So Perfect
My Heart Started to Sing a Sweet Song??????.
B. I. T. C. H.
r u smiling now?
it iz not originally wrote by me..i found this thiz post on nuna's blog n it was really interesting so i copied it..so nuns!!thanx a lot!!..
your mom suffered the pain that you gave to her,
and you thanked her by kicking her all day long.
When you were 1 year old,
your mom celebrated n bought the first birthday cake for you,
you thanked her by destroying it n crying all day long.
When you were 2 years old,
your mom started teaching you how to talk,
you thanked her by saying ummmumumumumamamama.
When you were 3 years old,
your mom brought you to the recreational park,
you thanked her by playing non-stop n ran away when she called you when its time to go home,
When you were 4 years old,
your mom bought you some toys,
you thanked her by breaking the toys on the next day.
When you were 5 years old,
your mom bought you a story book and read it to you,
you thanked her by ripping it piece to piece.
When you were 6 years old,
your mom sent you to the kindergarten, so that you can start making friends,
but you thanked her by fighting with your classmate.
When you were 7 years old,
your mom made you a very nice lunch for the first day of school,
you thanked her by throwing your foods around the class.
When you were 8 years old,
your mom handed you an ice cream,
you thanked her by dripping it all over your lap.
When you were 9 years old,
she paid for tuition lessons,
you thanked her by never even bothering to come.
When you were 10 years old she drove you all day,
from your house to one of your relatives's function on that day,
you thanked her by jumping out of the car and said that you wanna watched television.
When you were 11 years old,
she took you and your friends to the movies,
you thanked her by asking to sit in a different row.
When you were 12 years old,
she warned you not to watch certain TV shows,
you thanked her by waiting until she left the house.
When you were 13,
you thanked her by quitting them a few months later.
she suggested a haircut that was becoming,
you thanked her by telling her she had no taste.
When you were 15,
you thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.
When you were 16,
you thanked her by speeding it at any chance.
When you were 17,
you thanked her by being on the phone all night.
When you were 18,
you thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.
When you were 19,
drove you to campus carried your bags. You
thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm
so you wouldn’t be embarrassed in front of your friends.
When you were 25,
wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply
she loved you. You thanked her by moving
halfway across the country.
When you were 50, she fell ill and
needed you to take care of her.
You thanked her by reading about
the burden parents become to their
And then, one day, she quietly died.
And everything you never did came
crashing down like thunder on
If you love your MOM & you thank her deeply,
repost reblog this bulletin
If you dont then you dont care if your mom dies .
last nite when i was lying on my bed,
waiting d moments my mind would take me into the dreamworld,
sumting juz came across my mind, it reminded me bout sumting..
n it was a tragedy..a dark history in my life,
wat would u do if u were in my position..
wat would u felt if u noe sumone out there hate u so much..
n u were seeing this person everyday in ur life knowing the fact that this person really hate u...
n the person could not even looked at ur face..its all happened in one evening..
ofoz i could act normal like i always did..
but things never be the same again..
lolz...now this person seems 2 be fine n happy with the life...
gud for u then..:)
i wish the very best of luck..
all i wanna said was that..i m sorry 4 wat happened..
n if this person decided to continue hating me...
then go on..
wat can i do..its ur choice..
:) i m juz gonna live my life 2 d fullest..
sumtimes i do hope that we can be gudfrns again..
(a boy who seek d real purpose of life)
This iz my 2nd post after i returned from KL, i was soo buussyyy that i didnt hav d time to update my blog, sorry 4 that, but d real thing iz actually i spent A LOT of my time hanging around with my kazens n frns!! Sure big fun ya noe..oh yeah, ya noe wat, aq sempat gi rumah ZARIFF N SYAFIK mase kat kl hari tuu!! wOOT2! sumpah best! eventho i gone through so many problems mase nk pegi rumah dieowg but thanx 2 god i finnaly made it..plus i even met ikman n alham at zariff house!i wanna say thanx to zariff n shafiq for letting me stayed at their house..sorry 4 being such a burden..besides, i found out zarif got a brother who loved to play ps2 game juz like me!supercool!i like his brother so much..lolz..n syafik house was cool too!we played ping pong till midnite n it was damn fun..miss that moments..
Enough bout my "journey to KL" stuff, now i wanna talk bout my MOST BELOVED cute kazens..
ya noe wat, from KL kazens aq ikut aq balik terengganu n decided to stay there at least for a week!..lolz..we did so much things together, swimming, bowling, playin basketball, watching cinema, play futball n MANDI HUJAN!..hahaha..nice one tho..having great time with you guys..when i thought about it again, well if i m not mistaken, almost everyday kiteowg pegi pantai n mndi!!
smpai lembik2 badan smua kne hempap ngan ombak..lolz..tuu pon x puas lg tuu, balik je rumah tros main badminton plak lps gi mndi laut tuu..u guys never tired didnt u..but now dieowg smua dh balik KL balik..don worry guys..we''ll meet again..n i will try to find "SAW 7" for u guys..so we can watch them together!^^
yesterday my brother, sister, abg mail n me went to d mesra mall to watch d latest narnia..but smentara tggu wayang pkul 7.45 pm tuu kteowg decided utk pegi bowling dulu! the BOWLING COMPETITION BEGUN!!
i thought i already done my very best shot but still..i LOSE..hahaha..ABG MAIL was d champion that day with d highest score which iz 100++ !!congratz!!my brother got d 2nd place while i was in d 3rd n my sister was d last one..ya noe, abg mail STRIKE TWICE!!gile gmpak kot..sumph respek bro!
when we were done, we made our way 2 d cinema..btw...3 thumns up 4 d narnia! nice movie!
these were some of d photos bout d bowling competition^^
after a long journey to kl to see my sweet kazens n frns..i m finnally home..
man..i m exhausted..
lolz..now my kazens are in my house..they followed me here from KL!!
this iz d best holLiday EVERRR!!
spent times with kazens is d best..
they had introduced me to "THE REAL FUN WORLD!!"
thats all for now..
gotto play with my sweet kazens!!
see ya..
writen by,
yesterday was a "FUNN" day for sure!!..
my family n i went to the beach (actually juz 100m away from my house..(^_^)..)
i finally was able to swim again in "MY SEA" i repeated!!
"MY SEA!!"
after 3 weeks being prisoned in mrsm Qtan..
owww..i missed sea so much..
i miss ur RAGING WAVE which iz strong enough to pushed me from d middle of d sea straight to the shore again!!
i miss ur STRONG WINDS!!
these were some of d photos about our family precious moments..
i dunno wat to do..
i dont think i wanna studycoz d exam iz over..
i dont think playing games would make it either..
i juz dont hav d mood 2 play games rite now..
its feels so empty..
from d inside..
its iz so quiet here..hey..i juz noticed sumtin..
where iz my mum n dad?my sister??
urghhh..they gone 2 sleep already..
y iz everyone sleep so early today??..
i dunno y but i feel it iz a waste of time u sleep very early..
ya noe wat..u could do A LOT OF GUD N FUN THINGS instead of sleeping..
u can watch movies, read books, play cards, play carrom, listen to new song n many2 more!!
but d problem here iz..
i juz dont understand y i don hav d mood 2 do all that stuff..
it feel like..
slowly eatin my soul..
till no i hav no more soul in d body n i feel
i could move i wont..
i could shout but i wont either..
sumtimes in life that i feel useless..
u r like the ZOMBIE!!
yes..the ZOMBIE!!..thats the most perfect word to describe it..!!
but ofcos i m not dead..thats make it different between me n d zombie..
i think wat make me feel that way iz bcoz..
i play resident evil too much..
i gotto stop playing that games coz now i m writting crap bout zombie..
zombie r really not that bad actually...
they eat ppl juz bcoz they wanna stay alive..thats all...
juz like d tigers..lion n so on..they kill others to sustain life..
SERIOUSLY..i m starting to write crap now..
better stop it..
About Me
- leon7zack
- Hello guys! Welcome to my blog! Call me L and i am 18 this year, ex-students of MRSM Kuantan and i am waiting for my SPM results and hopefully it turned out well! Feel free to follow my blog or drop your comments.
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