When i was packing my things for tomorow. My phone rang and the name "aizat" appearded on the screen. I was wondering why and how the guy could call me because as far as i concerned, phones are only allowed during the weekends for those PLKNians. And today is tuesday so it did made some question mark in my mind. I took the call and there he was. Even though with a slightly different voice i recognized that man.
He said he was the "ketua kawad" for his team and need to give all the instructions and that explained why he had such a voice. Soon he said to me that he just heard the song that we used to sing together long time ago and triggered him to call me. I was touched. He said he missed the old times when we were at the school and even almost cried listening to the song. We did so many memorable things together and he did mentioned about the prank we did to zaini till that guy freaked out like hell and even spat on my face once. I mean, how could that guy remembered so much even though he have such tougher day in PLKN compared to me who sits and did nothing at home. The guy remembered everything.
I dont know how to say this but listening to his voice made me realize how colourful our life at school. Deep down i know he appreciated me as his friend and so do i. I have a lot of best buddies, like syuk, zaini, zaidi, and many more and we kept contact about each other till today. Or maybe i have more sweet memories with my other besties like zaini, we went so much together and syuk, we stole the food from ds and cooked in cooked in the middle of the night and zaidi, his belongings were dissapeared on his birthday and that were very awesome. i love you very much people but that guy. I havent talk to him so long and today..there he was..never change..not a bit..the point is..i felt being appreciated by a friend tonight and i want to do the same to him.
Lately there were many uneasy things going on in my life and it appeared like the people i used to call as friends started to hate me. I dont know what the hell have i done to them but thanks to this guy. He gave me a positive look about what a real friends was.
A real friend..is someone who never let us down, laughed at our so not funny jokes and willingly to listen and gave the best solutions for us and we shall do the same thing to them, to the people whos their heart were tagged with 2 simple words, "real friend". I might not be his best friend but i dont care. As long theres the word "friend". I ll stick around.
written by,
Pakcik Kuning
2 weeks ago
average ami aww so sweet
it's ok lokman, ur my best friend too :D