Okayh people if you don’t realize it is 4/2/2012 already and yet the biggest achievement i made so far for this January was..
Ofcourse i am not this desperate but i need a job.
Hell yeah. And still carry on with that title till i write this. Oh wait, no i am not “Penganggur Berjaya”, i have a job! Ofcourse its not official but still it is quite important. Proud to call the job as..
More like this one.XDD
Why did i name it that way? Its because the work looked like one of the engineering task and i did it at home and mum is my project manager. Let me tell you the details.
Time of work : everytime she called. So its flexible.
Wages : None. I get the job done and she maked me 5 pieces of “roti telur”.(Beware!its extremely delicious and addictive. But please do try it at home)
Uniform : Free to wear anything as long i am not naked.
Friendlist in workplace : Sometimes there was only me, or maybe my brother, my dad, or even the project manager herself(Mum). Ohyea i almost forget. The cat. It always follow us where ever we went to do the job. But he could only looked, and miaww. Thats all about the cat.
Sample Projects : so far we have made those:-
1. 1. Put on “portable sink”(is that the way they called it?)
2. 2. Put some rocks to build 4feet fence.
3. 3. Dig the soil, no its not soil, it was a small hill at first and after so long digging it became flat. (for your information i took weeks to actually flatten it.)
4. 4. Make a small bench. Damn it was tough. When my brother and i tried to cut the woods, its difficult and the best thing was, it also took AGES to just cut one piece of it. Why? I think the saw we were using was blunt. Not effective anymore.
5. 5. Make a small table. My mother wanted to use it when she was cutting meats.
6. 6. Repairing a desktop computer. (I even opened the CPU and checked all the components or parts in there myself, with some help from Abg Di i did learnt how to assemble it back.)
Yea. This is the parts in your CPU. Thanx to Abg Di for teaching me these.
Thats for now i think. But the Project Manager always has something to do in her mind so don’t worry the project list will increase sooner. I mean almost every evening she always got me to do something. I am glad i have a good Project Manager because she keeps me busy. So i wouldn’t feel bored after all.
I might be going to KL this Monday. See if there any job for me there. Maybe its time for me to get the real paid for my job. LETS ROCK THE TOWN!
PEOPLE! IF YOU SEE ANY SIGN WITH “jawatan kosong”, i will appreciate if you could tell me.
The SPM result is on 22nd march and yea..I got a month to work and lets not waste the time!
Written by,
"Engineer Rumah"
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