it iz friday..
and its d last day of schooling..
everybody went home today..
i woke up early this morning..
packed my stuff..cleaned up d room..
it was about 8'o clock in d morning n i still didnt take my shower yet..
the assembly was going 2 start at 8.15 am..
i thought i was free on that particular moments n suddenly aqeel came to my room..
n told me that d tcher want me to give her d "markah kebersihan" for those classes n she want it BEFORE THE ASSEMBLY START!!!
i rushed to the bathroom n hav my "3 minute shower" then straight away to myb locker..
put on d baju batik n RUN TO THE CLASS!!
i got a few minutes left be4 the assembly starts n ya noe wat...there were about 28 class in d maktab n i HAVE TO CHECK EVERY SINGLE OF THEM!!
only god noes how fast i ran from class to class on that moments..
my body iz sweating..n i hate iz d last day of schooling n i shud laughing n chatting with my friends instead of running LIKE HELL AROUND THOSE CLASSES!!
its hard..i admit..wat can i do..thats my job n i need 2 do it no matter wat happened..
i was lucky..
the assembly started late n i was able to finished my task..
thanx god..
Pakcik Kuning
2 weeks ago
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