"green exhibition"
they called it "gREEn ExHibition"..
we went there by van and ckgu Meor n Tcher Sha were assigned to accompany us thorugh out d programme..
ya noe wat..
the green exhibition looked exactly like d science fair..
there were booth..crowd of ppl..
but ofcos their project were much more complicated..
it took hours for us to visit every booth n once we were done..
from 2pm until 4pm..
we spent our time in KLCC..
"say cheese!!"
me n jo..between mirror..
it was cool!!
we get to noe each other better..
we arrived at mrsm qtan bout 8.00 pm..
straight to the dorms!!
(^_^)thats the end of it..
The President glabah seh..dah der blog dowh....hahaha..bgos2..tulis bnyak g..nk kutuk ape2 pown bole..