But the good new is the robots are doing fine and in perfect "health".
Thanks to the guy from the Astana Digital, Mr. Saiful.
But now we are lack of energy and ideas.
I am half dead and zaini is being very sleepy and yet he still wanna play his footballgame after we finish this.
I strongly fight against his wish but then he still want to do it.
We planned to sleep very late this night to prepare some more moves for the robots but only God knows what else can happen to us next.
Zaini is sleepy. and i am tired.
he pretends to be energetic in this pic while he is not. Believe me.
someone please tell me what moves must i do next.
Actually we are not allowed to use the internet for stuff like this, but man we are boring to death!!
we seriously want to win this.
2 lost sovereign crews.
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